For those of you who don’t see the Facebook SURVIVALIST page, Sharon and I celebrated our 500th month anniversary on June 19th. Sharon and I met the day after Labor Day 1961, were friends who had a first date the day after Thanksgiving in 1964, were engaged on Memorial Day of 1965 and married on October 19th, 1968. I got the idea of counting months decades ago and have kept it up. Sharon’s the most wonderful and prettiest girl in the world or anywhere else and I’m hoping and praying for at least another five hundred and, after that – well, who knows? So long as we’re together.
By way of celebrating this anniversary, Sharon and I went to the movies. And, we had fun. No, we didn’t get to sit in the very back row of a balcony, but we did enjoy the movie. We saw THE A-TEAM and we loved it! Funny, exciting, great special effects, respectful of the original series, it was terrifically entertaining and the new guys, led by Liam Neeson as “John Hannibal Smith,” didn’t try to re-invent nor did they try to impersonate the original characters – which is why they came off so faithful to the originals. If you see it in the movies or wait until you can rent or buy the DVD, be sure to watch all the way through the end titles – the score’s rousing anyway – and you’ll be in for a surprise. Unlike the TV show, bad guys do get killed, so be prepared. And, the film lends itself very nicely to the possibility of a sequel or sequels. Sharon and I’d stand in line for tickets. If you have a sense of humor, like action and great special effects, you’ll like THE A-TEAM.
We have close friends who went on vacation this week. Rather than going to Florida beaches, they elected to go to South Carolina, instead, just in case. It’s a shame. Not that they are having a well-deserved vacation, but that so many people will likely avoid even the parts of Florida and the rest of the Gulf Coast so far unaffected by the oil situation. As much as I find the guy living in the White House to be a waste of time, I cannot, in conscience, blame him for the oil situation. The people comprising the decision-making leadership of British Petroleum, on the other hand, do deserve a lot of blame, if for nothing else than their cavalier attitude toward the destruction of miles of beaches, countless thousands of sea creatures and birds and economic disaster for entire populations. What I do hold the guy in the White House accountable for is the slow response, the lack of action and interaction concerning BP and general incompetence. What I can actually commend the guy in the White House for is the potentially expandable twenty billion dollar escrow reserve for claims payment. It’ll likely go higher.
America needs leadership that won’t be afraid of shallow water drilling on the Continental Shelf and elsewhere and not allow deep water drilling until a plausible, realistic step-by-step provable methodology is shown for dealing with such disasters. That done, go for it. And, we need leadership that is more concerned with the welfare of the American people than the advancement of a social agenda.
Neither Sharon nor I want the guy who lives in the White House and his leftist stooges to bring about fundamental change in America. If he and his minions in Congress and the bureaucracy want to live in a Communist or Socialist society, fine. Let them move. I’ll contribute a few bucks to help get them on their way. Venezuela is probably lovely this time of year.
The BP gusher is a problem we will be dealing with for years and longer. The group of wannabe socialists in the government and the idiots who elected them could be a problem that will be our undoing unless we act in the 2010 elections, the 2012 elections and rid ourselves of the last of the leftists in the 2014 elections. I don’t know about you, but I hope I do. And Sharon and I don’t want our grandchildren coming of age in an America that is no longer free, one that is run by leftists who hold political success more important than country.