I’m confused. I keep getting mixed reactions to what we, meaning the American public, want. We’re all about rights. Right? Whose rights? Some of us understand the concept of state’s rights taking precedence over federal rights but then some people want the federal government to control what’s right, regardless of what it says in the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution of the Untied States. “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”
We want the right to free speech but are told that this is a right only if we don’t discuss certain issues or object to certain people. By doing what most of us have been doing and saying for generations now offends certain groups of people and their cultural and religious beliefs we have become the bad guys and we should be ashamed by our behavior and stopped immediately.
We have places now where permits have to be issued before certain religious activities can take place such as tent revivals. In some areas citizens who want to hold prayer meetings in private homes were told permits may become necessary. What happens when teenagers need a permit to go out on a date? Well, some parents might like that one. Read the First Amendment to the Constitution, people.
We all want protection from bad guys but some people working with this regime want to take away the rights from our primary protectors. Guns have become evil in the hands of American citizens unless they are being employed by persons sanctioned by our government. Rather than responding to an immediate threat to ourselves or our loved ones we’re to wait patiently and unarmed for our designated protectors to arrive and save us. Read the Second Amendment to the Constitution and you figure it out.
I see “preppers” portrayed as loonies and gun crazy gloom and doomers who want to exterminate the weak and the helpless in order to survive the apocalypse, ready to take what they believe is theirs in order to survive. I see people no different than myself who, just like those generations before us, believe in putting up a surplus in good times for any rainy days ahead. I see skills that may not be needed in this modern age of electricity and computers and cell towers that might come in handy on that really rainy day when the grid goes down temporarily for whatever reason. Imagine a weather related disaster coming along and your family is stuck at home without power in the middle of winter.
Are you prepared to survive on your own if your vehicle is disabled miles from civilization? Is that a coyote howling in the distance; do you hear more than one out there? Of course you’ve got that bug out bag in the trunk full of survival gear and other contraband items like the extra food you’ve been hording; let’s not forget that extra box of ammo.
The phrase “God helps those who help themselves” goes back as far as ancient Greece. It became more widely quoted though after Benjamin Franklin popularized it in Poor Richard’s Almanack for the year 1736. In fact, it’s so popular that more people than you might imagine think the quote came from the Bible and some even believe that it is one of the Ten Commandments. Our government has been trying hard to convince the general population that our needs will be taken care of if we only put our faith in “the system” and lay down our rights as individuals. All will be taken care of. SURE!
Have a wonderful day!

The Preppers & Patriots Expo, being held the weekend of August 16-17, 2014 at the Double Tree/ Hilton Hotel in Springfield, Missouri is billed as 2 Days That Can Save Your Life. Bob Anderson, co-author of THE SURVIVALIST series, will be featured as one of 18 speakers over the two day event.
With the thrust of the Expo being to Explore Self-Reliance (not to just survive but THRIVE!), Bob will discuss MAN-MADE DISASTERS: Terrorist threats, social collapse, nuclear reactor. NATURAL DISASTERS: Tornadoes, Earthquakes, Pandemic. ECONOMIC COLLAPSE: Do you have cash, gold, silver, barter items? Survivor health issues and the psychology of survival.
There will be an opportunity to purchase autographed copies of the two new THE SURVIALIST in the series, Inheritors of the Earth and Earth Shine (autographs by Bob Anderson and Sharon Ahern). Bob will also autograph copies of his series, TAC LEADER.
Stop by the OUTLAST table and meet Bob and take a look at the first ever JOHN THOMAS ROURKE memorabilia (the legendary hero of THE SURVIVALIST series created by Jerry Ahern) and chat about the series or ask questions about OUTLASTING for the 21st Century.
The venue will be open from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. both days with tickets prices for the entire weekend slated for $10 per person in advance and $15 per person at the door. The address is 2431 N Glenstone Ave, Springfield, MO 65803. For more information visit
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