Turning Back Time
Some random thoughts
Cher said it best when she recorded If I Could Turn back Time. If, that two-letter word has been repeated many times this year. IF we had known about the Pandemic sooner we could have been better prepared. IF the leadership of all countries could have communicated with each other, regardless of politics and other differences, information could have been shared. IF sane and responsible leadership had trickled down to include every city and town, no matter how small. IF we had listened to our mother and washed our hands more often and learned it’s not good to cough in other people’s faces.
Let’s face reality. The world was caught completely off-guard with this Pandemic and we all were clueless as to what to do. With schools closed and social distancing, many of us have been able to slow down and think. For some, that translates into new ways to support the family, catching up on home projects or maybe just spending more time with the kids. For others, it may be a time of self-evaluation with hopes of coming out of this situation a stronger, better person.
Then we have those who spend their time finding things to complain about. Finding wrongs and attempting to fix them is an admirable cause but only it is in concurrence of acceptable and workable solutions. Dialogue and compromise must be part of the process. Dialogue entails words and thoughts that are not shouted or accompanied by threats. No government on this planet is perfect. No law enforcement agency, judicial system, or health care system is perfect. I can’t think of one person, living or dead that would or could fit that description. Maybe if we tried to repair things instead of destroying them we’ all come out of this better.
If people generations before us had been more perfect, more socially conscious, more caring – you know, like we are today – the world would be a different place. Unfortunately, we’re stuck with what we’ve got and we can’t just turn our backs on the past. History is a little like an old brick house and changing or ignoring the past is equivalent to pulling the bricks out one by one. Eventually, the structure will collapse and leave all those residing within homeless. Let’s try to settle our differences and keep our house intact.
Truth is, we all need a breather. Let’s take a break from this virus, violence, inequality, and politics and go back in time when none of this existed. Yeah, right. When you find it, let us know!!!
Seriously, we can’t turn back time but we can try to make a better future.
In other news… Folks have been checking if there is another Survivalist book in the works. As you know, starting with number thirty, they were a joint project of Bob Anderson and me. When Bob passed away this January I just had to step away for a while and regroup. I wasn’t ready to think about working on it without Bob. He loved the series, had some crazy ideas to move the story forward, and was a superb wordsmith. Mostly he was a good friend and I will miss him. I’m ready to move on now and after a few other projects are completed, Survivalist #37, Ride the Dragon, will be in the works. The Rourke gang still has a lot of trouble to get themselves out of. I’ll keep you posted.

Reader Comments (1)
LOTS of trouble. I was the most excited about the new adventures at the end of the last one when another big menace was rising and the Rourke clan was gearing up to take it on. Courage and imagination in the face of adversity was always when they were at their best - as it is for many Americans.