A weapon of which I am extremely fond is my Detonics Black CombatMaster .45. In the mid-1970s, a rep who worked predominantly for Safariland was pushing the original Detonics CombatMaster .45 at a police shotgun shooting demo and I got my first chance to try one. I’d fired lots of handguns, but never worked much with a single action automatic. I just hadn’t gotten hooked on 1911-style .45s – yet. After trying the Detonics, I was impressed. The gun wasn’t much larger at all than the Walther PPK/S I frequently carried, and I shot it well. Sharon and I armed “John Rourke” with two CombatMasters in our series of books chronicling the adventures of THE SURVIVALIST. Most of you know that I ran the Detonics operation when it was in Pendergrass, Georgia, where the gun I carry virtually every day was produced. Some things – guns, knives and other inanimate objects – just seem to fit one’s hand and one’s lifestyle so well, they become indispensible.